I've yet to come fully down on one side or the other of my delightful girlfriend Claire's scheme to get us all to rotate through a blogging roster day by day by day. There's an allure to pleasing someone you care for as deeply as I do that sassy and grandly encouraging woman. But it's also a long-held goal of mine to drift on the currents of contemplation until they coax me around that bend where the rapids or falls of creativity await.
In truth, though, I suppose there's no binary here awaiting resolution into a single path forward. Why should I choose either to bow out and write on my own terms, or to leap in with both feet and swim downstream until I tide out to sea in an ocean of kindly cajoled prolificacy?
There is so much beauty in being asked to help found a new family tradition -- particularly when the family in question abounds as this one does with kind-heartedness, appreciation, and warmth.
So when my turn rolls round again, I may well use it to limn the universe's contours with constellations of starrily gleaming expressiveness. Or I may find some desultory way of hitching together a dozen or two celebratory words about the boundless life of affection I have managed, somehow, to get myself caught up in.
No conflict exists between taking this challenge seriously and making of it a ridiculous and casual diversion. It is, after all, impossible that my contributions might disappoint anyone, except (and even then only mildly) in the case of their evaporating entirely from the mix.
Let us see, then, where the coming weeks might take us.
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