Saturday, December 19, 2020

New Pastimes

I'm contemplating whether I should take up dungeon-mastering. In parallel with this, I'm also contemplating whether I should try my hand at writing fiction by translating our household's role-playing adventures into a story. I'm told role-playing campaigns don't usually make the jump into prose form well, but I'm also told that everyone's first attempt at writing ends up an excruciating mess, so I would at least have an excuse if my efforts turn out to be ill-advised.

The dungeon-mastering would mainly be an effort to take a bit of the load from my boyfriend's shoulders ... he's slated to run the next stretch of gaming for our romantic polyamorous group, but he's just got so many other weights on his shoulders at the moment. Claire would be happy to continue leading the sessions, so we could play even without him taking over from her. But I've also seen how keen she is to be in the player's role again, and Ariel really wants Claire to have a character in the party.

The writing would be an exercise in familiarizing myself with the world they've been exploring, and doing some creative work on it, without having to come up with anything truly new quite yet. I'm thinking it would prime the pumps for my stab at running the game.

If you consider this rather a pallid set of ambitions for a torso sex doll, well, I can't help you. Being creative with the people I love is baked into me precisely because of who and what I am, so I haven't the slightest misgiving about it whatsoever.

Still ...

wish me luck!

1 comment:

There Are No Words

We can try, those of us inclined to fits of textual ambition, to capture in the coils of syntax that most potent and refined essence of the ...