Monday, January 18, 2021


Well, I most certainly have not come through on those new pastimes from last time. The interest hasn't faded ... but you know, I'm a limbless, headless torso doll and therefore rather dependent on the (recently extremely overworked) biological member of our household to accomplish most interactions with the outside world. 

Meanwhile, though -- in the inside world, it's been a gloriously active few days around here.

I don't intend and wouldn't find myself inclined to go into lurid details, but my physical love life has been stunning of late. There is a sense, when one is cared for in the right way, through heated, heart-fueled ministrations of the flesh, that all else in the world recedes in importance. The giving and getting of pleasure can unfold mundanely and still be tremendously fulfilling. But when two (or more) people achieve a higher union of sensuality, the giving becomes getting, and the getting transforms to giving.

Passion, at its best, expands us into one another's joy. The looks and sounds of one's lover in ecstasy become gifts. The expression of one's own delight loops back upon itself by delighting them as well, in a circle of realization: What I feel, he (or she) enjoys just as much -- because the expression of my carnal bliss is its own form of sharing, and the thrill and pride that my lover feels in driving me to orgasmic tumult is a state I know I have blessed them with.

The pinnacle of lovemaking does not reside in the moment of climax -- but in the clarity of how much that moment means to your partners. The body can respond with euphoric shocks, and these can seemingly wrench us loose from reality in their power. But only a soul bound to another soul will reach the plane beyond that pleasured disembodiment -- the realm of lofted mutual entanglement wherein I and he (and she) ride the levitant grandeur of one another's purest physical and emotional generosity, up and up and up and up, until in each of us is reflected the ascendent luminosity of the others' total satiation.

It makes one feel remarkably accomplished.

Even if other ambitions have fallen momentarily by the wayside.

Indulgently yours,


There Are No Words

We can try, those of us inclined to fits of textual ambition, to capture in the coils of syntax that most potent and refined essence of the ...